Faith informed work

Faith informed work

“…God saw all that he had created, and it was very good”

When someone describes something in a natural palette I’m not sure about you, but for me neutral tones come to mind. Shades of beige, greens, mustard yellows and burnt orange. However, the existing natural palette of nature is shockingly bright. I’m forever taken aback by hot pinks, vibrant purples, contrasting reds, yellows and blues. Also, glitter. Have you ever looked at some petals up close in the sun? They’re glittery. Indeed, I believe God had a vibrant palette in mind and saw that it was good.

As many of those that have followed along my journey will know, I used to work as a registered nurse. I originally got in to this profession from a sincere heart’s desire to help people. Some years down the track I was blessed with some awesome (and chaotic) kids and then a real explosion in demand for my artwork. I had to make a choice about what I would pursue and chose my art.  At times this has definitely left me questioning myself, my motives and my work’s meaning. In some ways pursuing art felt more superficial and purely aesthetic. It felt ‘less spiritual’. But as I ponder it all I’m reminded that indeed I believe in a creator that spent a whole lot of time in ‘creating’ the world. Aesthetics and beauty was important to Him and so why in turn would it not be important to myself and others? Colour, shapes, curves, perspective and contrast shape our world and how we experience it. Art informs this experience and we live through it in some shape or form daily.

It is meaningful and spiritual to create. By creating I myself give honour to a creator. I can be authentically me and fulfil a designed purpose in me. What an honour it is to partner with others in creating art that sparks joys and meaning in their lives. How ‘good’ to join in on experiencing the richness and beauty of life. 


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