Mad, bonkers, off the top of my head

Mad, bonkers, off the top of my head

“Yes, you're mad, bonkers, off the top of your head...but...I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are”

Lewis Carroll- Alice in Wonderland

It’s in fair frequency that I have to ask my husband if I’m utterly mad- and without hesitation he reassures me that I am. My mind can at times be a friend or foe, but always, always it feels like it won’t sit still. Whenever there is a moment to breathe or a gap to fill, my mind is quick to look for suggestions of how to fill it. I’m throwing, researching, painting, illustrating, reading, teaching and looking- always looking for new ideas and opportunities. At times I feel frustrated, why can’t I just enjoy the silence?  Why can’t I just sit and be still? It’s with some envy that I watch others just ‘relax’, while at times I have sleepless nights. Even now as I write this- nap trapped under my infant daughter- that I find myself reaching for a new way to express myself.

But in all the frustration of this relentless mind I remind myself that indeed- the best kind of people are bonkers.

The best part of me creates, finds solutions, tries new things and explores. I’m motivated and hopeful, genuinely passionate and only too willing to bubble over with excitement to others. I’d like to think that I inspire and give permission to others to move towards creativity too, especially true to my young daughters. All they want to do when they ‘grow up’ is to create just like me. There would be an empty void without creativity in our world. I need to know that, but also perhaps you do too. Perhaps being ‘normal’ isn’t the goal after all and just sitting with ourselves is.

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